Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para to finger en español


finger verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
fingered, has fingered, is fingering, fingers
tocar, toquetear; acusar, delatar

Ejemplos de uso de
finger verb

  • He was fingered as a suspect.
  • thus far authorities haven't been able to finger the person who's been lighting fires around town

Sinónimos de
finger verb

Sinónimos detallados para finger verb

Ver: Touch

Traducción inversa para to finger

tocar  - to knock, to ring, to touch, to feel, to handle, to touch on, to refer to, to concern, to affect, to play (a musical instrument) 
toquetear  - to touch, to handle, to finger 
acusar  - to accuse, to charge, to reveal, to betray 
delatar  - to betray, to reveal, to denounce, to inform against 
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